Lauren Kelly

Lauren Kelly
Lauren is in her freshman year at BU having had to delay her admission for a year as she dealt with her second cancer diagnosis. She is delighted to be in school in person this year. Lauren feels that she discovered a great deal about herself as she recovered. She noted, ―I learned the importance of doing what makes me happy and fulfilled.‖ Lauren also discovered a passion for crochet and was able to sell her pieces on Ebay. Lauren‘s ultimate goal is to study voice and speechlanguage pathology. She wrote, ―I hope to teach people to use singing to help strengthen their voices.‖ Lauren has volunteered for Wish Night at Make-A-Wish CT and has donated some of her beautiful hand-crocheted bags to The Tommy Fund. Her letter of recommendation described her as possessing a ―positive attitude, sense of humor and intelligence… She is truly kind, compassionate and thoughtful.