Josh Cappello

Josh Cappello
This is Josh’s second Susan Fund scholarship. He embodies much of what makes our recipients so special. His social worker notes in his recommendation, “Josh is a survivor and a warrior having to cope and live with diagnosis (of recurring brain tumors), surgery, treatment and resume life since two years of age.” He missed the last year of school as he completed his treatment for a brain embryonic tumor. Josh is now transitioning back into being a student. He is attending Southern Connecticut State University and lives at home. His educational goal is to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in History. Josh is especially fascinated by Ancient, Middle Eastern and Asian history. After graduation, he would like to work helping people better understand the past. Josh’s reference letter noted, “He is a sincere, thoughtful, emotionally hardy, tenacious young man who is kind and ethically minded. He is brave and resilient. My recommendation is with full appreciation and admiration.”