Brent McCreesh

Brent McCreesh
Brent will be a freshman at SHU this fall. He chose the school for his education and because they have “a really good chess team.” His major is undetermined, but because he is an avid chess player, he hopes to be in a career that leverages those strengths. Brent fosters his love of chess by working as a teacher, tournament director, and receptionist at the Norwalk Chess Club. In addition, he has his own YouTube channel called “Brent Plays Madden” with over 2,000 followers. He enjoys volunteering for Team Brent, which his parents formed for childhood cancers.
A science teacher of Brent’s wrote, “he is a careful observer, scrutinizing what goes on in any class with the eyes of a zen master.” He single-handedly has taken chess into the mainstream of social life in his school community. This is Brent’s first Susan Fund scholarship.